Quantum Dynamic and Spectroscopy

Quantum Dynamics and Spectroscopy
ChineseThis is to be a short course of 8 lectures that provide a general overview of time-dependent quantum mechanics and…
8 units

Quantum Computation of Quantum Chemistry
ChineseWe will go through four papers in great details to learn quantum computation of quantum chemistry.
10 units

Quantum Dynamics and Spectroscopy
EnglishThis is to be a short course of 8 lectures that provide a general overview of time-dependent quantum mechanics and…
8 units

Physical Chemistry II - Quantum Chemistry
ChineseThis course aims to provide an introduction to the fundamental concepts in time-independent quantum...
30 units
2019© Yuan-Chung Cheng's Research Group | 鄭原忠老師理論物理化學研究室
國立臺灣大學化學系 | Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University