Physical Chemistry II: Quantum Chemistry
Physical Chemistry II: Quantum Chemistry ( Lectured in Chinese)
Lecture 24 Molecular Spectroscopy I
video length 1:38:16
Topic 1 Molecular spectroscopy
- Introduction [0:00:10-0:10:18]
- Time dependent Schrödinger equation [0:10:19-0:24:56]
- Perturbed Hamiltonian I [0:24:57-0:50:23]
- *review of Dirac matrix mechanics [0:50:24-0:54:39]
- Perturbed Hamiltonian II [0:54:40-1:06:53]
- Interaction of radiation with a molecule – resonance transition [1:06:54-1:31:22]
- Fermi golden ruleI [1:31:23-1:38:16]
Light-Matter Interactions
Study Goal of This Lecture
24.1 Preface
24.2 Why spectroscopy
24.3 Time-dependent perturbation theory(First order)
24.4 Interaction of Radiation with Matter
24.4.1 Resonant Transition
24.5 Appendix: Dirac Delta-function
24.5.1 Dirac Delta Function
2019© Yuan-Chung Cheng's Research Group | 鄭原忠老師理論物理化學研究室
國立臺灣大學化學系 | Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University