Physical Chemistry II: Quantum Chemistry
Physical Chemistry II: Quantum Chemistry ( Lectured in Chinese)
Lecture 16 Approximation Methods
video length 47:51
Topic 1 Approximation method
Topic 2 Variational theory
- Variational theory [0:12:57-0:27:53]
- Example of variational theory: harmonic oscillator [0:27:54-0:45:57]
Topic 3 Perturbation theory
Variational Principle
Study Goal of This Lecture
16.1 Approximated Methods
16.2 Variational theorem
16.3 Example: Harmonic Oscillator
Study Goal of This Lecture
16.1 Time Independent Perturbation Theory
16.1.1 The first-order energy correction
16.1.2 The first order wavefunction correction
16.1.3 The second-order energy correction
16.1.4 Example: Zeeman Effect and Stark Effect
2019© Yuan-Chung Cheng's Research Group | 鄭原忠老師理論物理化學研究室
國立臺灣大學化學系 | Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University